How To Earn Money In Coins.Ph 100% Working Guide
Hi There. . .
You maybe here because of a friend that refers you to sign up on Coins.Ph and wondering why do he/she asked you to sign up for free. I can say that you will sign up right away after you will finish to read this post.
While I'm on surfing on the internet looking for some new ideas about my new marketing project. I came across to this bitcoin that's already the world #.1 cryptocurrency online. After a few research about it, I was amazed and really shocked on what I just read and learn.
The main reason why I created this blog, is about earning money from bitcoin and convert it into peso. There are a lot of ways to earn bitcoin but most of them are scams and just simply using this niche to cheats other people by using fake websites online. One of the main reasons why I'm doing this, is to make a legit website in the Philippines for all Filipino people that is welling to learn and earn not just extra money, but for the potential financial freedom.
In this blog, I will update and share all of my ideas and knowledge on how am I going to do this in the right way. I believed that "if you don't abuse things, you will not fail in the end." and I always say that "keep moving forward because life is so cool".
Anyway, let's get back to earn money using Coins.Ph
As a service running on blockchain technology, uses digital currency as a low cost gateway to banking, extending the reach of financial institutions beyond their existing branch infrastructure to the 300+ million who are unbanked in the Philippines and the rest of Southeast Asia.
He/She send you the link here is a sample:,
by clicking this, it will take you to a sing up page. (don't ever removed the referral ID. trust me on this one). What you need to do next is the following;
see image below.
You maybe here because of a friend that refers you to sign up on Coins.Ph and wondering why do he/she asked you to sign up for free. I can say that you will sign up right away after you will finish to read this post.
While I'm on surfing on the internet looking for some new ideas about my new marketing project. I came across to this bitcoin that's already the world #.1 cryptocurrency online. After a few research about it, I was amazed and really shocked on what I just read and learn.
The main reason why I created this blog, is about earning money from bitcoin and convert it into peso. There are a lot of ways to earn bitcoin but most of them are scams and just simply using this niche to cheats other people by using fake websites online. One of the main reasons why I'm doing this, is to make a legit website in the Philippines for all Filipino people that is welling to learn and earn not just extra money, but for the potential financial freedom.
In this blog, I will update and share all of my ideas and knowledge on how am I going to do this in the right way. I believed that "if you don't abuse things, you will not fail in the end." and I always say that "keep moving forward because life is so cool".
Anyway, let's get back to earn money using Coins.Ph
What is Coins.Ph? is a financial services platform founded in 2014 by Silicon Valley entrepreneurs Ron Hose and Runar Petursson in Metro Manila, Philippines.As a service running on blockchain technology, uses digital currency as a low cost gateway to banking, extending the reach of financial institutions beyond their existing branch infrastructure to the 300+ million who are unbanked in the Philippines and the rest of Southeast Asia.
What are their Services? provides person-to-person wallet transfers, bill payments, mobile top-ups, online shopping, and remittance services. Its cash delivery network covers tens of thousands of banks, pawnshops, payment outlets, and door-to-door delivery across the region."to be honest, I just copy and paste it from Wiki, Bwahahaha!"
E research mo pa? basta yan na un. Peace!
by clicking this, it will take you to a sing up page. (don't ever removed the referral ID. trust me on this one). What you need to do next is the following;
- Put your Mobile number or Email address (I recommend Gmail account)
- Create a password
see image below.
Okay! this is an example page that your friend sent you and ask you to sign up for free and earn just the same as your friend. But before that, you will going to have a problem if you don't have requirements.
First of all, you need a Valid Government ID. (you need to scan it and upload to their system)
Next you need a working Smartphone to use and install the Coins.Ph App from Google Play and App Store. You need this to take selfie for owner verification use. (Hindi ako nag jojoke mag selfie ka)
Then you will need to fill all the requirements of your account like personal info's etc.. take note: "Please don't sing up and input wrongly and be responsible. Recording everything would be better. Okay"
After you finish everything, Coins.Ph needed to verify your account. I already finished mine, so I just been waiting for other things to do.
Perfect! next step for you is to go to your referral link. The same link as your friend gave you and its your turn to asked you friends to sign up for free also to earn money using this method.
Its easy, simple and reliable. All you just have to do is work, focus and work out then do it again. It will takes time but its worthy anyway and money will come.
There are also other promotions and rewards that can be earn in Coins.Ph. Don't worry, I will make another post for that one with more detailed. So that it will be easy for you to understand and learn.
PS: Please, educate properly and carefully of your friend before asking them to sign up. By doing this, it will avoid any problems in the future. And you help them properly not just only because of the money.
There are other important plans in the future about this BTC to PHP in earning Bitcoins. This is only a stepping stone for us and in the future, it will take us to our financial freedom.
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